Assistant Auditor General - Quality Assurance and Audit Development


Mr. KAYIRANGA Fidele is a Qualified Accountant (ACCA), with experience of 10 years in different capacities at the Office of the Auditor General, Rwanda.

Mr. KAYIRANGA Fidele Joined the office of the Auditor General in 2006 as Auditor. Over the 10 years he has worked in different departments at the OAG and risen through the ranks to the position of Audit Manager in charge of Quality Assurance and Quality Control.   

He holds a Bachelor Degree in accounting from Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST) in 2005, an ACCA post graduate Diploma in Accounting and business. He attended various International training in audit and quality assurance organized by AFROSAI – E; SAI- INDIA; SAI -CHINA.

He was lead auditor in the audit of state consolidated financial statements; audit of Central Government Ministries, Embassies; local government institutions, donor funded projects, National Universities, Government Business Enterprises, and Special Audits. He was also a lead auditor in the audit of the East African Community and its projects and organs