Department of Projects and Programs

Manager's Profile

Mr. Nezehose Aimable is Audit Manager at OAG.


He is an affiliate of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA-UK), holder a Bachelor Degree in Finance from Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST) in 2005.


He joined OAG in April 2006. Since then, he stepped up to different positions: Auditor I (April 2006, Auditor II (April 2008), Auditor III (October 2010), Principal Auditor (October 2011), Senior Principal Auditor (March 2012) and finally appointed to Audit Manager in July 2016.


Over his 10 years of experience in OAG, he conducted different audits of projects, local administration entities, central administration entities and public business enterprises. He also participated in the audit of East African Community and its projects and organs from January to March 2016.